Tux's Turtle


Tux's Turtle is a turtle graphics environment. Unlike typical programming languages that include turtle graphics (like Logo), Tux's Turtle responds immediately to commands, which are issued as single keypresses.

The concept is based on Delta Drawing, a product for 8-bit computers from 1983, produced by Spinnaker Software. (For more, see: Antic magazine, volume 3, number 6 and New York Times, March 8, 1983.)


November 25, 2009
November 30, 2009
Screenshot of Tux's Turtle
Example Program
(from screenshot shown at left)
S triangle
  D 4R D 4R D 4R

S triangle2
 G triangle

20 G triangle2


General Details:

Licensing and Cost:

Technical Details:

Minimum Requirements


Tux's Turtle has not yet been released. The current development code can be downloaded from the SVN repository at the SourceForge Project Page for Tux's Turtle.

Mailing Lists

There are three mailing lists for Tux's Turtle:


Issuing Commands

You may do one of the following:

Command Overview

Repeatable? Modifiers? Key Label? Name Description Without modifiers With [Shift] With [Control]
#modD Draw Moves turtle and draws a line in the current color 30 units15 units1 unit
#modM Move Moves turtle 30 units15 units1 unit
#modW Wipe Moves turtle and draws a line in the background color 30 units15 units1 unit
#modR Right Rotates turtle right (clockwise). 30 degress15 degrees1 degree
#modL Left Rotates turtle left (counter clockwise). 30 degress15 degrees1 degree
  F Flip Flips turtle (rotates turtle 180 degrees)    
  B Back Home Moves turtle back to home position (center of screen), inital heading (up, aka north), initial color (white), initial size, and with no horizontal or vertical mirroring.    
  P Pour Bucket Flood-fills the picture starting at the turtle's current position.    
#modC Color Cycle Changes the color used when drawing or pouring the bucket. Cycle 12 hues (no brightness change)Cycle 4 brightnesses (no hue change) 
# I Zoom In Increases the size of the turtle, and the scale of its movements when drawing, moving and wiping.    
# O Zoom Out Increases the size of the turtle, and the scale of its movements when drawing, moving and wiping.    
  H Horizontal Mirror Actives a mirror-image turtle that moves and draws on the opposite horizontal side of the screen.    
  V Vertical Mirror Actives a mirror-image turtle that moves and draws on the opposite vertical side of the screen.    
  T Show/Hide Turtle Causes the turtle cursor to disappear from, or reappear on, the canvas.    
  SlabelStart Subroutine Initiates the beginning of a subroutine. A "thought bubble" with a miniature canvas and turtle will appear. Type the label for the subroutine and press [Enter], type the commands to be executed (which will be acted out within the "thought bubble"), and end it with the End Subroutine command.    
  E End Subroutine Marks the end of the current subroutine. The "thought bubble" that appeared will be dismissed and any further commands will be acted out immediately, by the normal turtle.    
# GlabelGo To Subroutine Executes the commands described by a previously-defined subroutine.    

Limitations and Known Issues:

(As of 2009.12.01)


Bill Kendrick, bill@newbreedsoftware.com, New Breed Software.

This will probably become part of Tux4Kids.